Thursday, August 03, 2006

Shopping For Payday Loan Online

Time to time, place to place, people told you to shop around if you want to purchase something. This is also true for taking a payday loan. Because of the simplicity nature of a payday loan, you will find no problem in choosing the best payday loan for you. If you have no idea what to compare, then this guide might be able to help you through.

Comparing payday loans head to head using internet is the best way to shop. There is nothing easier than browsing through several companies´ websites and compare them. If you would like to take an offline payday loan, the comparing process would be the same. Here are the things that you may want to compare.

Payday Loan Rates
This is of course the first thing you have to compare. Like any other loans, payday loan interest rate is measured by Annual Percentage Rate (APR). Just compare the APR from company to company. If they don´t list it, ask it.

Payday Loan Fees
Like any other loans, payday loan also has some fees. Some companies apply one flat fee. Others charge the fee based on variable. What ever the case, you should ask the exact number of the total fee you have to pay. Don´t bother yourself counting the variables. Ask the exact amount.

Payday Loan Terms
Ideally you are able to pay the loan with your next payday. However, bad things can happen at a bad time. To prevent your financial situation getting worst, you should compare the terms of payment. What if you can´t pay at the agreed time? What is the penalty for being late in payment?

Good Customer Service
Try to contact the customer service using several media. Don´t just email them. Try to call or fax them. Good customer service is one of the indications that the company is trustable. After all, you should know who you can ask, when you have problem with your payday loan.

Easy Payday Loan Process
Current technologies have made things more efficient and faster. If you apply for a non fax payday loan, you could expect to be approved in several minutes and the fund will be ready in your bank the next day. If the process is too complicated and taking a very long time, you should be careful and might start choosing another company.

Trustable Payday Loan Company
Trustable payday loan company is not hard to find. Try to ask around, ask your friends or families. Ask their experience with a certain payday loan company and consider their suggestions. If you are in a dead end, borrow money only from licensed lender.

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